Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'll be there for you like I've been there before

I'm so tired. I'm so tired it's unreal. I feel very drained, partially because I STILL have not caught up on my sleep since Saturday. And tonight I got my PIU schedule, and there's no telling when my next day off will be. Work, BSF and youth group are taking over my life! And I'm so tired! I'M SO TIRED! This sounds a little whiny, but I just feel so much like a dishrag. So many responsibilities, so many committments, so much giving, not enough rest - and I feel so drained. So drained.

Enter Christ, His love, and the immeasurable riches of His grace. I'm not drained. I can give to others from the immeasurable store of His grace that I have. I can share His love with others because the Holy Spirit makes me able. Everything - EVERYTHING - comes back to Christ. The entire message of the Bible, I'm realizing, is so very, very simple. It always, always, always points back to Christ and what He did on the cross. That is the ultimate way in which God is brought glory - nothing else could have glorified Him so much. He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us, so that we didn't have to! We don't have to die! We can live with God FOREVER!

I already feel better.

Friend shoutout - it's insane how much you've done for me. I really can't understand how I've believed the enemy's lies for so long, and you're the first one who's managed to open my eyes to the truth. God knows how to knit together friendships, and I couldn't be more thankful that He knit ours together as He has! I only hope I can be as much of a blessing and encouragement to you as you are to me.

1 comment:

  1. <3 Beautiful post! You've been such an encouragement and such an inspirational person for me. *hugs*
