Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

Well, full-time employment is not something I'm very good at. Tutti Frutti is bust. The owners are not good people for whom to work, so I quit. Too bad it took me an entire week to figure that out, but hey, I'm gone, and I never have to go back. Who can even say what will happen now? I'm not very concerned about it right now. There'll be something. God will provide all the money I need. I'll be fine.

And He will also provide me the ability to be a good BSF leader...I just got the first of many e-mails about it, giving me my discussion group contact info, and I am taking deep breaths and prepping myself to begin making the 13 phone calls I need to make. Yes, I have 13 women in my group, and all but three of them are over 30. I am leading a group of women who are all 6-12 years older than me! What have I gotten myself into?? I'm feeling soooooo incapable of doing this, of leading this group of women, but yet I am the one doing it because God has called me to. And His strength will be made evident through my weaknesses. Tomorrow I begin the phone calls and the questions. And tomorrow I begin to practice the music for workshop and leader's meeting...something I feel slightly more comfortable doing. :)

My friends are amazing. I'm so blessed to have so many friends who are truly closer than a brother. So blessed.

Little shoutout to one friend in particular - I'm so glad you're my friend. So glad. I love you more than I can say, and hope that somehow you can be aware of how much I care for you. And if you need anything, I'm here! I can't think of very many things I wouldn't be willing to do for you.

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