Monday, August 24, 2009

look at all you'll derive out of being alive!!!

If I had three wishes, I know exactly what I would wish for. Provided of course that I cannot wish for:

1. More wishes
2. Anything to do with other people, i.e. wishing that everyone in the world would come to know Christ, or that my children will never rebel, or that the marriages of my parents, friends and family members would only end by death...all of which I do pray for, at least!!!

My wishes would be as follows:

1. As much money as possible to do good deeds with. I would love to win the lottery and give most of it away to charity. Ever seen the movie It Can Happen To You, with Nicolas Cage and Bridget Fonda? Case in point, right there. Barring of course the extra-marital affair that goes on in that movie, I wish that WOULD happen to me. I would love to walk into a restaurant and buy everyone's dinner, or sponsor special events for schools and bands and sports teams. And of course I would give lots of money to charities, such as Making a Difference.

2. I would wish to be able to speak any language fluently. How handy would that be?? I would be able to travel anywhere in the world (using some of my lottery winnings of course) and be able to speak the language. Man...that'd be so sweet. I could be an awesome missionary...

3. To be able to eat anything I want and not gain any weight unless it was necessary. Or, I guess, to be able to maintain a good weight. That would be freaking awesome.

So there you have it. My three wishes.

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