Friday, August 21, 2009

A new beginning

So I've been inspired to start a blog about myself and my life, because apparently that's a cool thing to do. Technically I've been blogging since I was fifteen, but those blogs were more like Twitters - all I basically said was A) what I'd done that day, B) who I happened to love that day (and I listed lots of names!), and C) things I enjoyed, like books or pictures or flowers or chocolate.

This blog actually has a purpose, because I am starting a new project. This project was inspired by the song "Stir In Me" by Todd Procter. The lyrics are as follows:

Stir in me
A fire that the world cannot explain
I long to worship You

Stir in me
A passion that my heart cannot contain
I long to worship You

Hold me, break me, mold me and make me more like You
I long to worship You
Love You, fear You, draw ever near You as I worship You
Oh Lord

I suppose one title for this project could be: Project Kick Apathy in the Pants. I've been very apathetic about lots of things this summer: school, work, cleaning my room, doing laundry, going to the gym, eating, even hanging out with my friends! I just can't be bothered to do anything. And that is just not okay at all. God did not make me to just sit around reading and watching movies all day. He didn't put me here so that I could just not care about anything.

I've even been questioning school - is music education even what I want to do?

YES!!!!!! OF COURSE IT IS!!!!!!!! I just had such a horrible year last year because I was so darn apathetic, didn't practice enough, didn't look for a new church (which therefore meant no new friends), didn't look for a new job...all of which added up to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. So I have some new things in mind for this year.

1. Find a new church. This is the biggest priority I have right now. I need a church that has a singles ministry and a music team that I can join, preferably on guitar and vocals. I can't be a member of a church and not serve on the music team - my desire to praise God through music is too strong for that! Churches that I have in mind: The Village, Dallas campus; Denton Bible Church; The Village, Denton Campus; and that's really about it.

2. Move out of my parents' house. Not at all because I don't like living there - au contraire, I LOVE living with my parents!!! But I need to learn responsibility, budgeting, cleaning, and how to live on my own. So I need to show all of those things while I still live with my parents, and then hopefully I can move out.

3. Practice, practice, practice - I am the worst music major ever. Last year I practiced less than half of what I really should. This year I am going to practice as much as I can. I will have lots of flute music to learn, plus conducting, vocal pedagogy, and percussion techniques. And I need to practice them all A LOT!!!!

4. Find some new friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of mine no longer live in the Dallas area. So I need to find some friends who do!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is where the whole NEW CHURCH thing comes in handy.

I need God to stir in me a new fire, a new passion, to serve Him wholeheartedly, without any trace of apathy. That is my prayer for this year: STIR IN ME A PASSION THAT MY HEART CANNOT CONTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

My blogs will contain my thoughts on these goals of mine, my classes, my work, and other various things. Just the thoughts, opinions and everyday occurances in the life of a twenty-year-old college student with a love for Christ and the desire for His kingdom.

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